CLOSED TO NEW MEMBERS - Opens March 1, 2025 for 35 new members |
1 - Fill out the fields marked with an *. Skip the rest of the fields down to Gift Membership.
Fill in your First/Last name and email (automatically filled out) in the first fields
2 - Scroll down to Gift Membership and enter the name and email of the person to receive the gift.
3 – Enter an EFFECTIVE DATE. On this date the person will receive a welcome email with information on how to log in
and fill out additional information about themselves. We will not send them any emails prior to that date.
4 – Under Contact Information, fill out the fields with an * .
The new member should fill out the rest of the fields when they get the welcome email.
5 - Pay for the Gift Membership.
6 - Email that you've purchased a Gift Membership with the following information: your name and email; recipients name and email; and desired effective date of membership.
Note to Gift Giver: You are opening the door to woodworking for them with your wonderful gift. Now they can take the next steps.. It will cost them between $40 - $290 to take the requisite tool training and safety training classes depending on their goals and skill level to access the shop and classes.
Open Shop time is free for the Bench Room and $15/hour for the Machine Room.
We want to see all new members succeed in their woodworking ventures and not be disappointed that they can't walk right in with their new membership and get busy. It will require an investment of time and money - both well worth the many benefits of being a Guild member.